Top Reasons To Get An Early Years Teaching Qualification
You’re about to finish university and contemplating the next step. Love children and watching them develop? Have you considered the prospect of a career in teaching? An teaching qualification in Early Years Education might be just the thing for you. Here are some of the top reasons you should consider this career path.
The Characteristics of A Good Early Years Teacher
As would be the case with any vocation, teaching requires a passion for them and it’s not for everyone. If you are someone with a natural desire to see young children reach their potential, then Early Years could be for you. Likewise, if you are the sort of person that experiences job satisfaction through seeing children succeed under your guidance, you’ll love working in a nursery environment. Finally, if you have the ability to empathise with a child’s struggles and help find innovative ways to help them respond to challenges, you’ll likely be an excellent early years teacher.
The Impact of Your Work
By deciding to get an Early Years teaching qualification, you will have the potential to make an impact on children’s development. You’ll also have the knowledge and skills to ensure children have access to a high-quality education during formative years. But beyond the formal qualification, early years teachers make a long-lasting, positive contribution to children’s well-being by opening their minds to new concepts and ideas daily. With regards to the long-term impact on a child’s education, research has shown that 94 percent of children who achieve a good standard of development by the time they’ve completed the early years educate at age five go on to achieve highly at key stage 1 too.
The Financial Support Available
Research has demonstrated that the quality of early education and childcare provision is higher when kids are taught by a specially trained early years graduate teacher. It is therefore incredibly important that high-calibre candidates are recruited to train as early years teachers. The government acknowledges the importance of teachers for future generations. So you’ll find plenty of funding options available to support you through your training course. Bursaries vary between £2,000- £14,000 depending on how well you’ve performed on your degree. They also depend on whether you plan to work while studying.
Earning Potential and Career Benefits
Of course, we all know that becoming a teacher is a vocation and not done purely for money. That said, we all need to factor in earning potential when weighing up any given career path. With starting salaries between £24,373- £30,480 and rising up to £121,749 for headteachers based in inner London, teaching salaries can be fairly lucrative. Add to that the benefits of state-backed pension contributions. As well as generous annual leave allowances and the package as a whole can allow teachers to live fairly comfortably.
Making the decision to become an early years teacher is certainly one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. The work involved requires enormous amounts of patience, resilience, and dedication. However, for the right candidate, the job rewards and job satisfaction outweigh the sacrifices.
For more information on pursuing a career in teaching and getting your Early Years Teaching Certification Enquire Here! For more information on our nurseries see below: