Weekend Daycare Near Me
Our weekend daycare model offers a mixture of language enrichment and art classes for older children and a traditional nursery school and kindergarten for those who want reinforcement in their early years educational programme in the build up to reception class preparatory school interviews. With expansive onsite playgrounds and gardens, and close to some of the most amazing outings and excursions, we have something for everyone...
Frequently Asked Questions.
We understand that choosing your childcare provider can be highly stressful. So many questions, so little time to think about what you need to know. Here, we try to answer what we think you do. But if you need to know more, you can find the answers to most of our policies on our knowledge base via the button below
Do I have to book for a full term?
You'll find that our sessions become significantly cheaper the longer you commit - you can either pay a monthly direct debit for the equivalent of your term's fees broken into instalments over the course of the year or in one go. But if you want to book individual sessions, they're billed on the hour and for the day and come at a premium. See our rate card for more information
What languages will they study
Our language of choice for our weekend childcare and Saturday school is Mandarin Chinese as we have some of the most qualified teachers of chinese as a foreign language on staff. Artists and musicians they make language learning fun!
We only speak one language at home - does that matter?
Not entirely - a child's personality type, how much time you commit, what consistency you apply, how early you start with the immersion programme and what you do at home with apps, games, songs and media will all play a part. It's true that bilinguals who benefit from any combination of languages at home pick up the second language faster but it's not a given monolinguals can't or won't. And besides, the evidence that speaks to the cognitive impact of what we're doing on how their brains will develop because of it is self-evident. Click here to find out more...