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Christmas Activity Ideas for Toddlers

Tis the season to be jolly! And we intend to spend a lot of time this month cosied up, enjoying hot chocolates and cheesy Christmas movies! Although we love an adventure to a Christmas market, or a walk around town exploring the Christmas light displays, we wanted to share some fun activities that you and your toddler can do at home, when you don’t feel like wrapping up and bracing yourself against the cold wind!

1. Enjoy Themed Sensory Trays

The beauty of sensory bins are just how creative and flexible they are, from pasta to pompoms, sand to sparkles, most household objects can be transformed into a winter wonderland. When making your own sensory tray at home, we believe that placing shaving foam on a tray is a good place to start! Simply add glitter, toys or whatever else takes your fancy.

Christmas themed sensory trays are also a great opportunity to teach your child about temperature and texture, with ice cubes being a fantastic addition. Allow your child to witness how the ice transforms, melting and becoming a liquid.

2. Warm up the Kitchen

Toddlers love to assist with mixing, rolling and cutting, so Christmas biscuits are an easy way to simultaneously make a tasty treat, and enjoy a fun afternoon with your little one. For a simple recipe that uses many ingredients that you are likely to already have, see here. If you do not have a cookie cutter, we recommend using the rim of a glass or mug, to create a circular shape that can be decorated like a Christmas bobble.

If you are feeling extra adventurous, you can even decorate a gingerbread house together! Kits can be store bought to save time, however if you are looking for an easy recipe and template, see here. Some stages may be the job of an adult, but who doesn’t love decorating with sweeties!

3. Write to Santa

It is important that Santa knows exactly what little ones want, in order for him to deliver the correct gift. Therefore, you can have a creative afternoon of brainstorming, with younger children drawing their ideas on paper, and older siblings or children writing down their thoughts, before decorating the envelope with imaginative designs. 

4. Decorate a Snow Globe

We believe that nothing is better than a festive house, completed with tinsel, sparkle and beautifully made arts and crafts. One decoration that is great fun to make is a snow globe. Follow these simple instructions, using a jar, figurines and glitter. The addition of glycerin to the mix will help the glitter move, however it is not essential!

From painting the jar, to changing up what you glue to the base, such as lego or even a laminated photo, these snow globes can be customised to include whatever materials you have laying around at home, making them an easy, last minute activity!

5. Sprinkle Reindeer Dust

How does Santa and his reindeer find your house, every single time? Not only is he very clever, he often has little helpers who guide him on his way. No, we do not mean elfs, we mean you! Reindeer dust is a simple recipe of oats and glitter, that will help Santa find his way on Christmas Eve, whilst also providing sustenance for Rudolf. Have great fun creating and packaging the mixture, before sprinkling it outside where you live.


We hope that you have a wonderful festive season with your family, and enjoy our Christmas activity ideas for toddlers! For more activity suggestions, see our blog: