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Childcare Discounts

We offer a huge variety of childcare discounts and subsidies here at Hatching Dragons, read on to find those most relevant and useful to you to really help with the Cost of Living..

Pay As You Go

Created for parents returning to work from maternity who don't want to commit to nursery but build up their time on a more flexible arrangement, we've created this system that permits our spare capacity to be taken up flexibly on an ad hoc basis. Find out more more on our Pay as you Go pages

Workplace Nursery Scheme

For those of you who work for large companies (or small!) in our communities might be interested in the WPNS, an HMRC initiative that allows your employer to pay your childcare fees directly from you pre-tax salary, thereby reducing the PAYE you pay and the NICs your employers have to contribute. It's a win win, as far as we're concerned, and can save £1000s each year for both (and is the mechanism through which families, generally, can secure the largest amount of savings). The scheme is set up and managed by Enjoy Benefits, and families that are interested will need to get their employers to engage the company to set up the facility on their behalf (which is the tricky part) but you can find our more and register your interest on our Workplace Nursery Scheme pages

Referral Discounts

And it helps you activate another of our discount programmes, which provides families with a 5% discount for every family they refer (and who signs up) for 6 months. We do calculate the discount based on the referred families fees, but generally speaking that means if you're not attending full time, and you refer someone who does, that means you secure the larger saving! And that is true for work colleagues (through the workplace nursery scheme) as it is for family and friends in the community. So if you like what we do, and want to share to those parent WhatsApp groups you're a part of, start spreading the love. And you can share the discount with the referred family too. Just pass on this form to any / all families you think would be interested and we'll take it from there.

Advanced Payments

And you can secure up to 10% discount on your fees if you pay in advance - 10% if you pay the full year in advance, 7.5% if you pay 9 months in advance, 5% if you pay 6 months in advance and 2.5% if you pay 3 months in advance. And you can register your interest in any of the above by reviewing our page and filling out our enquiry form for Advance Payments

Public Sector Discounts

And we offer rolling discounts for our friends in the public sector for looking after us so well for so long through such challenging times. If you work for the NHS, or our local councils, you can apply for our discount arrangements through our Public Sector discount pages

Low Income Places

And we have a limited number of places that we provide at a discounted rate for those on income support - a bursary programme if you like that allows us to make our provision as inclusive as possible. We believe that bilingualism can really make the difference and want as many people as possible from all walks of life to benefit, so if you're interested in something new (or know someone who is) spread the word you can find out more on our Low Income household pages 

Early Years Funding Support

And of course you will stand to benefit from the Early Years Funding Entitlement when your child turns 3. If you don't know what this is, please do read the excellent information on for 15 hrs (universal benefit for all 3-4 yr olds); 30 hours (eligibility criteria apply, also for 3-4 yr olds); Tax Free Childcare, which can be used alongside many if not all of the above benefits!

That should be about it for now. There will be more on this when you sign your contract as part of our onboarding process, in which we'll go into more detail regarding Tax Free Childcare, Childcare Vouchers and the Early Years Free Entitlement Funding grants from the local governments...but that is for another day. For now, take care and keep hunting....