As the weather turned colder this week, we got the true Autumn feel here Hatching Dragons Canada Water!

Our children explored the season change and learned more about Autumn's natural changes, animals that are getting ready for winter sleep like hedgehogs and bears.
They continued to learn about farms and food harvested this season.
Our preschoolers learned about the weather we associate with autumn and how to stay warm.
Our Baby Room had lots of fun with multi-sensory messy play, feeling different textures and experiencing a variety of materials.
Before we begin...
In line with clause 7.9 of our terms and conditions, we will be instituting the annual fee increase in next month’s billing cycle to take place from November 1st billing for the December period. You can see the new fee cards here! We will be publishing our work programme for the schools in the coming week but families are encouraged to review the various subsidies and discounts that we provide and book in a call with Kristina and the team to talk through should you need.
Autumn Adventure in The Lavender Pond Nature Reserve
Children had lots of fun learning about Autumn and what comes with change of the season.

From falling leaves of all sorts of colours, windy weather, breezy mornings, rain, puddles and morning fog, we experienced it all this week.
The weather showed us what the real autumn really feels like!

Both our Preschool Room and the Baby Room went together on a little adventure to the nature reserve.
Children observed how the trees and bushes changed colours and are losing leaves.
We saw a lot of dried flowers, pinecones, collected dried twigs and autumn leaves from the ground.
As we walked through the woodland to the pond we spotted a bush with rose hips that made us very curious, so we learned about the use of dried rose hips in tea if we have a cold.

Children climbed the terrein with confidence, even on those dried leaves and sticks and enjoyed exploring the natural world.
We had a little break overlooking the pond and enjoying the view of the beautiful yellow tree just across.
Dry Deserts of the Middle East
Children also continued to learn about the desert habitat in the Middle East.
We talked about the condition in the desert and what animals we can find there and how they survive in such heat with not much water.

Children enjoyed exploring the desert habitat through a variety of activities such as desert animal yoga and physical games, books and stories and craft activities.
The Harvest Festival - Celebration of Autumn
We continue to learn about autumn and prepare for our Harvest Festival celebration.

Harvest festival traditionally marks the beginning of the autumn season so our children enjoyed a variety of Autumn themed activities.

They loved learning about the natural changes and weather as well as characteristics of autumn!
What we're doing next week
Next week, we're going to continue exploring the culture of the Middle East, children in preschool will look into how people live in the desert habitat and will explore some architectural examples of houses.
Our Baby room will continue exploring the Autumn season and will look into weather changes and how to stay warm in coming chilly days.
Our mandarin teacher will teach us more about Mid-Autumn Festival, it’s traditions and how it’s celebrated and about the traditional Chinese Moon Goddess - Chang'e.
Want to be part of our exciting lessons and amazing excursions in the future? Increase your hours now!
Hatching Dragons is immensely proud to announce that we’ve partnered with Little Village and the baby bank alliance to service those in need within our communities.
The baby bank provides local struggling families the resources they need.
It’s based on community giving - secondhand toys, clothes, furniture that can be repurposed - to provide support for those who can’t afford to buy them new.
We would like to seek donations from our registered parents, and from the wider community, to ensure that our baby bank is replete with the resources required to support parents in our community.
Want to lend a helping hand to struggling families? Donate to Little Village below!