This week at nursery was truly fun-filled and full of joy!
Each day brought new activities and exciting adventures that kept us all engaged and happy.
Our babies enjoyed a lot of sensory activities this week which includes colour sorting activity.
This helps enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills as babies learn to categorize objects by color.

This activity engaged babies' senses, promoting exploration and curiosity about their environment.
Blue dragons
Toddlers engaged in a lot fine motor skills using scissors and glue improves grip strength and coordination in one hand.

Cutting and sticking requires coordination between hands, enhancing overall motor skills as our blues had lots creating cards.
During outdoor play blue dragons have engaged in a bowling activity and this activity for toddlers can be a fun and engaging way to develop their gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and social skills.
Intrigued? Don't miss out on our next exciting activities - increase your hours now!
Dragon flights
Our flights have been learning and focusing on transport, the children enjoyed making different sized boats by using paper plates and popsicle-sticks.

They have used different colours and glue to enhance and develop their fine motor skills.

They also took part in maths activity as they have explored different method of transportation like cars ,boats , airplanes and begun adding them together to find out the total number.
Next week we will be exploring about world food day.
Our partnership with Little Village
As an early years education and childcare institution, we put great value on helping children in need.
This is why we partnered with Little Village, an organization that helps babies and young children living in poverty all across London.
Want to help us give them the things they need? Donate to Little Village below!