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Weekend Childcare Curriculum
Our weekend childcare programme builds on the foundations laid in our intercultural and language rich nursery model - the work undertaken in establishing knowledge of the wider world, the peoples and cultures within it and what we can do to celebrate and protect that diversity is embedded into formalised language enrichment classes in Spanish and Chinese, with programmes of work that focus on human geography, culture and the impact it has on the arts. We extend our nursery curriculum in intercultural programming by graduating the content into more interesting and challenging areas with the outputs on language focussing around achieving the nominal tests in Mandarin and Spanish
Annual Curriculum
Our Age Groups & Activities
In weekend school we take children from 3 up to 10, providing opportunities for those families we've cared for during nursery to maintain the language enrichment programmes we've delivered across reception and primary so they can continue their knowledge of the language skills acquired. They are as follows:

Preschool-Reception Class
Our 3-5 yr old cohort focusses on continuing our preschool nursery curriculum in intercultural education and language enrichment and is primarily focussed on servicing the needs of families who might already be enrolled in a preparatory school but who nevertheless want their child to develop a language skill set

Year 1 Class
The Red Dragons have strong imitation and creative skills, a broader vocabulary and a highercognitive development, which needs to be strengthen with a better focus and understanding of their environment and the rules applicable to it. We aim to support their learning process by following their abilities, development needs and interests, and mixing them with planned and structured sessions. We will also enhance their interests with different teaching methods and materials, while also introducing language level 1 knowledge.
Year 2 Class
For Gold Dragons, friendships become more and more important. Physical, social, and mentalskills develop quickly at this time, which reflects on how they think and learn. They start
describing their experiences, thoughts and feelings with more accuracy. Children will obtain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and use new language Level 2 words and simple grammar. Our structured lessons will support their learning with different teaching
approaches and materials.

Year 3 Class
Black Dragons like competition and games, and start making more friends, since they enjoy
talking to others. Children have more graceful movements and abilities. They also start enjoy
writing stories and read well. At this stage, they need a solid Chinese foundation that can
influence them for future improvement of this language. We will support their learning based on their abilities and interests, while introducing a better understanding of the language culture, grammar and new language Level 3 and 4 vocabulary.
General Enquiry Form
Get in touch today about our weekend school - one of our team will be in touch in the next day to find out some more information from you before booking you in for a free trial...
Enquire for your Weekend Childcare Today
Our teachers come from some of the best educational institutes in the world - UCL's IOE amongst others, to ensure that your children only receive the best possible care and education during their time with us at Hatching Dragons. Our central office personnel are always on hand to field calls and respond to your enquiries so do get in touch today!
International Observances. Cultural Festivals...
We've partnered with Global Dimension to help build out our international observances and event calendar for cultural festivals and parties throughout the year....

“The school throws Paediatric First Aid training every term for the parents for free. And a party once a month at least on the cultural programme is awesome for the kids"
Westminster Community