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City of London School Highlights - September 9, 2024

This week at the nursery has been filled with joy and discovery as our children embraced new adventures and learned together.


From engaging activities to collaborative play, every moment has been an opportunity for growth and fun.

Hatchlings Activity

Hatchlings showed a lot of interest in exploring fine motor skills as the children enjoyed exploring different textured materials in the sensory tray.


Blue dragon

Blue dragons engaged in play dough activity using natural resources.

Manipulating play dough helps our blue dragons strengthen their hand muscles and improve their dexterity, which is crucial for tasks like writing and using utensils.

blue dragons-1

Dragon flight

Our flights went off to explore physical activity and strength to Fortune street park.

They enjoyed balancing activities which requires concentration and focus, this activity helps children develop attention to detail and persistence as they work to maintain their balance.

 dragon flight

Want to be part of our amazing excursions in the future? Click here to increase your school hours!

September 28th Harvest festival at Hatching dragons

We will be partnering up with a number of local charities and food bank to distribute toys and books and resources.

We would like to invite to join us, and if you have anything to donate, please speak to Ali.

Book your free tickets here!


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